Waterdeep Dragon Heist
Experience the City of Waterdeep. The huge sprawling city is brought to its knees as villains both race to find Five Million Dragons. Explore D&D's most iconic city in all its greed, glory and blood.
This is my favourite D&D adventure by far and after playing, it will be yours as well.
- Sandbox with More than 60 Locations
- More than 300 NPCs
- Duration 30 Sessions
Social: Very High
Exploration: Very High
Combat: Medium

The Sunless Citadel
The richest man in Oakhurst, Mr Braford has embarked on a quest to the Citadel and never returned. The Braford Enterprise put out a quest notice to find the location of their leader and extract him to safety.
Will you answer the call?
- Dungeon Crawl
- Duration 6 Sessions
Social: Medium
Exploration: Very High
Combat: Very High

Ravenloft: Realm of the Blood Queen
Whether you are looking for D&D horror or Played Curse of Strahd and am looking for another adventure in Ravenloft, Rejoice, cause you have found it.
You have been sent by the Open Lord to investigate the Island of Wreythau, a major export of exotic plant species with extreme demand.
Little is known about this land surrounded by mists far west of the sword coast.